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Gelug Mahamudra 10 Preparation: Refuge and Bodhicitta
Gelug Mahamudra 12 Preparation: Aspirating and Engaging Bodhicitta by Dr Alan Wallace
Gelug Mahamudra 09 Preparation: Mahayana Refuge
Gelug Mahamudra 07 Question and Answer Session
Gelug Mahamudra 11 Preparation: Generating the Mahayana Aspiration
Gelug Mahamudra 110 Cut-Through to Rigpa by Dr Alan Wallace
Gelug Mahamudra 04 Stillness and Motion by Dr Alan Wallace
Gelug Mahamudra 03 Mindfulness of Breath from Arya Asanga by Dr Alan Wallace
Gelug Mahamudra 13 'Lamp So Bright' stanza 3 to 5
Gelug Mahamudra 36 Central Role of Shamatha by Dr B. Alan Wallace
Gelug Mahamudra 30 Bodhicitta and Vipashyana by Dr B Allan Wallace
Gelug Mahamudra 114 Lamp So Bright stanza 45 by Dr Alan Wallace